Envi Xmas-Weapons
Envi Xmas-Weapons Official Documentation
A working FiveM Server.
Basic Understanding of FiveM server setup and resource management.
Items Layouts
['weapon_candypistol'] = {['name'] = 'weapon_candypistol', ['label'] = 'Candy Pistol', ['weight'] = 3000, ['type'] = 'weapon', ['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_PISTOL', ['image'] = 'images/weapon_candypistol.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = true, ['description'] = 'A Powerful Candy Cane that packs a punch'},
['weapon_candyshotgun'] = {['name'] = 'weapon_candyshotgun', ['label'] = 'Candy Shotgun', ['weight'] = 3000, ['type'] = 'weapon', ['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_SHOTGUN', ['image'] = 'images/weapon_candyshotgun.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = true, ['description'] = 'A Powerful Candy Shotgun that packs a punch'},
['weapon_snowlauncher'] = {['name'] = 'weapon_snowlauncher', ['label'] = 'Snow Launcher', ['weight'] = 3000, ['type'] = 'weapon', ['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_GRENADE', ['image'] = 'images/weapon_snowlauncher.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = true, ['description'] = 'A Wonderful Snow Launcher for your snowballs'},
['weapon_snowlauncher2'] = {['name'] = 'weapon_snowlauncher2', ['label'] = 'Snow Launcher MK2', ['weight'] = 3000, ['type'] = 'weapon', ['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_GRENADE', ['image'] = 'images/weapon_snowlauncher2.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = true, ['description'] = 'A Wonderful Snow Launcher MK2 for your snowballs'},
['weapon_xmaspistol'] = {['name'] = 'weapon_xmaspistol', ['label'] = 'Merry Pistol', ['weight'] = 3000, ['type'] = 'weapon', ['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_PISTOL', ['image'] = 'images/weapon_xmaspistol.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = true, ['description'] = 'A Merry Pistol for your season activities'},
weapon_candypistol = {name = 'weapon_candypistol', label = 'Candy Pistol', weight = 3000, type = 'weapon', ammotype = 'AMMO_PISTOL', image = 'images/weapon_candypistol.png', unique = true, useable = true, description = 'A Powerful Candy Cane that packs a punch'},
weapon_candyshotgun = {name = 'weapon_candyshotgun', label = 'Candy Shotgun', weight = 3000, type = 'weapon', ammotype = 'AMMO_SHOTGUN', image = 'images/weapon_candyshotgun.png', unique = true, useable = true, description = 'A Powerful Candy Shotgun that packs a punch'},
weapon_snowlauncher = {name = 'weapon_snowlauncher', label = 'Snow Launcher', weight = 3000, type = 'weapon', ammotype = 'AMMO_GRENADE', image = 'images/weapon_snowlauncher.png', unique = true, useable = true, description = 'A Wonderful Snow Launcher for your snowballs'},
weapon_snowlauncher2 = {name = 'weapon_snowlauncher2', label = 'Snow Launcher MK2', weight = 3000, type = 'weapon', ammotype = 'AMMO_GRENADE', image = 'images/weapon_snowlauncher2.png', unique = true, useable = true, description = 'A Wonderful Snow Launcher MK2 for your snowballs'},
weapon_xmaspistol = {name = 'weapon_xmaspistol', label = 'Merry Pistol', weight = 3000, type = 'weapon', ammotype = 'AMMO_PISTOL', image = 'images/weapon_xmaspistol.png', unique = true, useable = true, description = 'A Merry Pistol for your season activities'},
Weapons Layouts
label = 'Snowball Launcher',
weight = 1000,
durability = 0.03,
ammoname = 'ammo-grenade',
label = 'Snowball Launcher',
weight = 1000,
durability = 0.03,
ammoname = 'ammo-grenade',
label = 'Candy Pistol',
weight = 800,
durability = 0.03,
ammoname = 'ammo-9',
label = 'Candy Shotgun',
weight = 1200,
durability = 0.03,
ammoname = 'ammo-shotgun',
label = 'Christmas Pistol',
weight = 800,
durability = 0.03,
ammoname = 'ammo-9',
[`weapon_candypistol`] = {['name'] = 'weapon_candypistol', ['label'] = 'Candy Pistol', ['caliber'] = '9x19mm Parabellum', ['weapontype'] = 'Pistol', ['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_PISTOL', ['damagereason'] = 'Pistoled / Blasted / Plugged / Bust a cap in'},
[`weapon_candyshotgun`] = {['name'] = 'weapon_candyshotgun', ['label'] = 'Candy Shotgun', ['caliber'] = '12 Gauge', ['weapontype'] = 'Shotgun', ['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_SHOTGUN', ['damagereason'] = 'Devastated / Pulverized / Shotgunned'},
[`weapon_snowlauncher`] = {['name'] = 'weapon_snowlauncher', ['label'] = 'Snow Launcher', ['caliber'] = '40mm Grenade', ['weapontype'] = 'Heavy Weapons', ['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_GRENADELAUNCHER', ['damagereason'] = 'Killed / Exploded / Obliterated / Destroyed / Erased / Annihilated'},
[`weapon_snowlauncher2`] = {['name'] = 'weapon_snowlauncher2', ['label'] = 'Snow Launcher MK2', ['caliber'] = '40mm Grenade', ['weapontype'] = 'Heavy Weapons', ['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_GRENADELAUNCHER', ['damagereason'] = 'Killed / Exploded / Obliterated / Destroyed / Erased / Annihilated'},
[`weapon_xmaspistol`] = {['name'] = 'weapon_xmaspistol', ['label'] = 'Merry Pistol', ['caliber'] = '9x19mm Parabellum', ['weapontype'] = 'Pistol', ['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_PISTOL', ['damagereason'] = 'Pistoled / Blasted / Plugged / Bust a cap in'},
[`weapon_candypistol`] = {name = 'weapon_candypistol', label = 'Candy Pistol', weapontype = 'Pistol', ammotype = 'AMMO_PISTOL', damagereason = 'Pistoled / Blasted / Plugged / Bust a cap in'},
[`weapon_candyshotgun`] = {name = 'weapon_candyshotgun', label = 'Candy Shotgun', weapontype = 'Shotgun', ammotype = 'AMMO_SHOTGUN', damagereason = 'Devastated / Pulverized / Shotgunned'},
[`weapon_snowlauncher`] = {name = 'weapon_snowlauncher', label = 'Snow Launcher', weapontype = 'Heavy Weapons', ammotype = 'AMMO_GRENADELAUNCHER', damagereason = 'Killed / Exploded / Obliterated / Destroyed / Erased / Annihilated'},
[`weapon_snowlauncher2`] = {name = 'weapon_snowlauncher2', label = 'Snow Launcher MK2', weapontype = 'Heavy Weapons', ammotype = 'AMMO_GRENADELAUNCHER', damagereason = 'Killed / Exploded / Obliterated / Destroyed / Erased / Annihilated'},
[`weapon_xmaspistol`] = {name = 'weapon_xmaspistol', label = 'Merry Pistol', weapontype = 'Pistol', ammotype = 'AMMO_PISTOL', damagereason = 'Pistoled / Blasted / Plugged / Bust a cap in'},
Last updated