Envi-Ejector-Seats Official Documentation
A working FiveM Server.
Basic Understanding of FiveM server setup and resource management.
Items Layouts
["ejector_seat"] = {
label = 'Ejector Seat',
description = 'For Installing Ejector Seat into Vehicles',
weight = 1000,
stack = false,
close = true,
["mech_toolkit"] = {
label = 'Mechanic Toolkit',
description = 'For Removing Ejector Seat from Vehicles',
weight = 1000,
stack = false,
close = true,
["ejector_seat"] = { ['name'] = 'ejector_seat', ['label'] = 'Ejector Seat', ['weight'] = 1000, ['useable'] = true, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'ejector_seat.png', ['unique'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'For Installing Ejector Seat into Vehicles!' },
["mech_toolkit"] = { ['name'] = 'mech_toolkit', ['label'] = 'Mechanic Toolkit', ['weight'] = 1000, ['useable'] = true, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'mech_toolkit.png', ['unique'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'For Removing Ejector Seat from Vehicles!' },
["ejector_seat"] = { name = 'ejector_seat', label = 'Ejector Seat', weight = 1000, useable = true, type = 'item', image = 'ejector_seat.png', unique = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'For Installing Ejector Seat into Vehicles!' },
["mech_toolkit"] = { name = 'mech_toolkit', label = 'Mechanic Toolkit', weight = 1000, useable = true, type = 'item', image = 'mech_toolkit.png', unique = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'For Removing Ejector Seat from Vehicles!' },
["ejector_seat"] = { name = 'ejector_seat', label = 'Ejector Seat', weight = 1000, useable = true, type = 'item', image = 'ejector_seat.png', unique = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'For Installing Ejector Seat into Vehicles!' },
["mech_toolkit"] = { name = 'mech_toolkit', label = 'Mechanic Toolkit', weight = 1000, useable = true, type = 'item', image = 'mech_toolkit.png', unique = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'For Removing Ejector Seat from Vehicles!' },
Config Settings
Config = {}
Config.Debug = false -- (when true - anyone can use the commands below to install/uninstall/check for ejector seats)
Config.Interactions = {
Target = true, -- (if true - Mechanics can use the Target (ox, qb-target etc) to install/uninstall ejector seats)
ItemUse = true, -- (if true - you can use the items WHILE INSIDE A VEHICLE to install/uninstall ejector seats)
Command = false -- (if true - you can use the commands WHILE INSIDE A VEHICLE to install/uninstall ejector seats)
Config.Commands = {
Install = 'installEjectorSeats',
Uninstall = 'uninstallEjectorSeats',
Check = 'checkEjectorSeats'
Config.Items = {
Install = 'ejector_seat',
Uninstall = 'mech_toolkit'
Config.JobInstall = false -- if true - only the jobs below can install ejector seats
Config.InstallJobs = { 'mechanic', 'mechanic2' }
Config.InstallTime = 10 -- Seconds
Config.OnlyDriverCanUse = false -- if true, only the driver can use the ejector seats
Config.Hotkeys = {
['ejectMe'] = {label = 'Eject Me', key = 'NUMPAD0'},
['ejectDriver'] = {label = 'Eject Driver', key = 'NUMPAD1'},
['ejectPassengerSeat2'] = {label = 'Eject Passenger Seat 2', key = 'NUMPAD2'},
['ejectPassengerSeat3'] = {label = 'Eject Passenger Seat 3', key = 'NUMPAD3'},
['ejectPassengerSeat4'] = {label = 'Eject Passenger Seat 4', key = 'NUMPAD4'},
['ejectPassengerSeat5'] = {label = 'Eject Passenger Seat 5', key = 'NUMPAD5'},
['ejectPassengerSeat6'] = {label = 'Eject Passenger Seat 6', key = 'NUMPAD6'},
['ejectPassengerSeat7'] = {label = 'Eject Passenger Seat 7', key = 'NUMPAD7'},
['ejectPassengerSeat8'] = {label = 'Eject Passenger Seat 8', key = 'NUMPAD8'},
Config.Lang = {
NoSkills = 'You don\'t have the required skills to do this!',
AlreadyInstalled = 'This vehicle already has ejector seats installed!',
NotInstalled = 'This vehicle does not have ejector seats installed!',
HasEjectorSeats = 'This vehicle has ejector seats installed!',
NoEjectorSeats = 'This vehicle has no ejector seats installed!',
TargetInstall = 'Install Ejector Seats',
TargetUninstall = 'Uninstall Ejector Seats',
NotOwnedVehicle = 'This is not an owned vehicle!',
NoInstallItem = 'You do not have the required item to install ejector seats!',
InstallSuccess = 'Successfully installed ejector seats!',
InstallFailed = 'Failed to install ejector seats!',
NoUninstallItem = 'You do not have the required item to uninstall ejector seats!',
UninstallSuccess = 'Successfully uninstalled ejector seats!',
UninstallFailed = 'Failed to uninstall ejector seats!'
The config is where you make adjustments to the scripts for your liking. You can use this to adjust Installation time/Jobs/Individuals who can use.
Last updated